
A few weeks ago, I got the chance to interview Mike Daisey, a TBA favorite who will be returning this year to perform The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, a new monologue about how the game-changing design of Apple products comes with horrific labor and environmental consequences. Daisey spoke with me from Seattle, where he was premiering Agony and preparing for a three-week run in India.

It's a pretty good interview—I just sat there and occasionally made encouraging noises as I was treated to what amounted to a monologue for one, ranging from why China is terrifying to how performing is like flying an airplane to what inspired Daisey to take on Steve Jobs' empire in the first place. (Lest that make it sound like Daisey is simply enthralled with the sound of his own voice, after the business of the interview had concluded, when we'd been on the phone for an hour or so, he shifted gears to chat about TBA and ask for some suggestions as to what to see.)

The full transcript of the interview is on our TBA blog; if you're a fan of Daisey's, or if you're curious about what his live show might bring, it's a nice little preview of what his upcoming shows have to offer.